You think you specify sadness 

But you are the highlighter of my happiness 

And I care about your happiness too

I mean what I always say to you 

You are the sugar of my coffee that I smile while drinking 

With or without milk 

I will still drink my coffee with sugar 

Because my coffee makes my day 

Without having I don’t enjoy my day

Like I will never take you for granted or try to loose you again, never 

I really mean it

With truth, fear, love and care

A little hope of life 

If we were in the book the two of us would be my favourite characters 

I am myself around you

Better than the other personalities 

The way that I used to think that if I stopped being me

Nobody would give a damn

I would now

I would like to think you would too

Because each day matters when I with you 

We could call and text but spending a day means a lot

You listening to me talking nonsense 

Of course I miss that your laugh, you blushing and your beautiful eyes 

I don’t wanna cry while missing you 

Course every seconds, minutes and hour is you in my mind 

Our smile never ends because of the chemistry and love 

Always understanding each other 

I could be sad whole day but your voice makes me happy 

I can forgot about my problems and smile 

Because you are My forever time 

Forever happy with you