Love love love the feeling

Everyone desires

The feeling she desired

After all the thorns pricked

The ground she walked on

In her quest to find True love

In her Journey to be loved

She had longed for the reciprocation of Love

After her dad disappeared

And her mom went m.i.a

In terms of loving her

Like a hungry bear she

Searched to feed Love

She showered 🚿 with the thought of a Prince

One who will love her

One who will cherish her

One that will respect her

One that will love only her

She met him and just like

a snail 🐌 she hid her heart in a shell like a tortoise

She took the pills to

Block her pain and he waited

For rain to rain the day she realses her pain to him

He waited and catched her when she fell he wiped her tears of that were off waterfall

But he endured their Love was tested as like a lion she didn’t trust him

He met a Rose that would understand him that knew Love he choose that Rose

And she was left heart broken

Like a glass she broke but he returned to be there and she opened up to him

Their Love grew strong like steel their Love run deeper than the ocean 🌊 and their Love nest grew an egg

Their love was now 3 and wedding Bells sang and the Thorn had been broken