The hatred palace,

Where mistakes doers are;

Some are guilty and some are not,

Suddenly all ends up on the dot;

No one likes it,

Even the most popular mistakes doers hate it;

You cannot see anything,

You cannotthink about anything,

Except were you are.

You always miss your loved ones,

It is always there in your mind,

Even if you try to hide it;

After sometime,

Hate and bad thoughts comes on time,

These always anger and bitterness around you;

Every second knowing that you’re half alive.

The hatred palace,

Luxurious life never existed;

Delicious food and good drinks,

They never on point;

Ga e teng kgololosego,

Go teng fela pitlaganyo;

Life and death,

Seem to be the same,

Happiness and sadness,

Seem that they have never came;

The hatred palace,

Where mistakes doers are;

Some are guilty and some are not,

Suddenly all ends up on the dot.