The fat black woman has disdain
for her own skin tone,
Because all her life she has been told that
her skin colour was unappealing.
At times she wishes she could rub her
blackness away.
Seeing as the world is not kind to people
of colour.
The fat black woman
Is repulsed by her body and its size.
The flab, double chin and walloping curves
are not considered the beauty standard.
Skinny amd slim thick are in
but corpulent has never been in vogue.
She stares at herself in the mirror
struggling to fit into her favourite jeans.
The fat black woman
no longer watches Tv because she is
misrepresented and stereotyped.
All she sees is mysogynoir.
Why do they have to depict her as the
fat, black, ugly woman who is unloved?
The fat black woman
keeps her hair like it is.
Her huge afro is frowned upon especially
at those saloons.
“It’s really hard to manage and style, why
don’t you straighten it?”
Why would she do that for?
She refuses to conform.
The fat black woman
believes at her age she will never find love.
Men love and want young women.
Youth is currency these days.
The younger, the better.
But nothing can be better than self- love.
She figures she will start there in order
to find the other love.