The Bible was thy best friend once upon a time until “Josh” and “Maria” came into the picture then l forgot that the son of God was born of womb too therefore l obliged like Joseph.
Winter brought pain as l proceeded to pollute thy mind with the kind of garbage even vultures refuse to scavenge on and like” Ananias” and “Sapphira” my lips manifested my demise for l was dancing to the tune of Lucifer.
They all escaped including the one who put up with me for 9 months and the isolation felt liberating as the medications blinded me to a point where instruction and light were like a fire burning my skull.
The holy ghost put up a fight for me to stand on ten toes again victorious and renewed, l have never comprehended the concept of resurrection until l rose from the grave washed clean by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Sometimes in life you need the chains , the holy oil , cross and the Lord’s prayer to wake you up from the illusion of life.