I hear the voice he’s coming on this side,

The noise is big where he walk, it’s like he’s leading the crowd .

they are roaming all, are there here to attack

they all wear round big circle on their neck , their wear look differ to our wear.

or maybe it their traditionally attire because none of them not wearing a tie.

I can see them , they are human like us but they seem to be like animals they walk wildly,

there are not beautiful but they are angry

it’s bad , Granny please stop them, am scared.

now they are running over to us , they carring spear and other carry knobkrrie.

I can feel something bad will happen, somebody will loose the soul to one of our family.

please granny am begging you ,

Apologize to our ancestors, ask for forgiveness to them tell them the ceremony will happen next week Friday.

we all know that one of our family member died in bad way , my older brother committed suicide,

now the ancestors is chasing him, granny you the one who older to us

what happed to ‘Mzamseni, does all ritual performed well ,

where you buried him, speak the truth granny

now he’s alone in random place.



EISH why are you waking me up mother ?

” Luyanda you were dreaming have some water to calm your breath , look you even sweating.

Written by

L .Mkhwanazii