Rain rain rain

It feels like rain

On my cheeks

Moments of loneliness

Moments of truths

Moments of tragic event

No spine alive could ever carry

Such heavy burden in the soul

Where could I go to

Somewhere I can rest my soul

Like a carefree toddler

No care in the world

But its Still a river

Made up of rain

Soon to be an oxbow lake

Dry I suppose funny it seems

She been hoping for it

For nine dark years

In a dark path

No road to happiness

While I survive the dark

Thorns no one Alive

Can understand my pain

Even life smelled like a rotten

Bread but only she couldn’t

Get rid of the smell

Every where she went

She crossed the River

Called her Tears ๐Ÿ˜ญ

She crossed the Nile river

She crossed zambezi river

She crossed the Tugela river

When could say she always had glasses in her eyes

Everyday it was a crying day

Until she drowned in the

Red river

Rest in peace ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ Annie

She was the choossen one indeed