That time of the year again

Looking for roses worthy of you

This one is for the light of my world

You… The one who breathed life into my heart

You… Found me in a mess and on a road to destruction

An accident that was waiting to happen

A shell of a man clothed by distrust and anxiety

But you saw my potential, you saw possibilities

You saw me… You saw a future with me

No one can do what you do, what you did

The moment we met I didn’t know it would be you

The person I’d find myself yearning for

Fighting so hard to be within your reach

You gave all of you, so I too can give you all of me

My appreciation for you knows no bounds

Loving every inch of you

From every scratch and mark

To every single dimple on your body

Caressing you from your head to your toes

For you are a queen in my eyes.