When I first met you; I saw my hand attaching to yours,
When I first kissed you; I felt my soul connecting with your soul,
The feeling ran in my veins couldn’t be explained,
That first hug we gave each other revealed our strong chemistry,
My heart never skipped a beat around you,
The joy you brought in to my life showed me you really care,
My one and only,
My heaven and earth,
My smile keeper,
I appreciate you,
You accepted me the way I am,
You loved me through bad and best times,
You uncomplicate things for me,
You loved me through my darkest moments and you never judged me,
You never gave up on me,
You are the meaning of true love,
I know around you; I don’t have to go around looking for a heart,
You are the sunshine that brightens my days in the darkness,
You and I belong together,
Your mean everything to me,
I don’t want to lose you,
My one and only; Motlokwa Mamphela.