A beautiful name I was given at birth,
I grew up hoping for only the best,
Confidence was the best word to describe my traits,
With my inscription like a miracle, everything I touched turned into gold.
Unbelievable isn’t it?
But ambition made everything possible.
And then you came,
You renamed my originality,
You changed my name from “Hope ” to hole
All my luck and blessings fell into the pit,
Gifts run away from my sight.
I was now a hole that swallowed every good thing I reached,
My life turned into havoc
For you transformed my originality
And rename my birth caption.
Blessings and luck couldn’t recognise me anymore,
For I was now a real hole instead of hope.
I began to be vicious,
Darkness consumed my intelligence and glow,
I turned into a tiny worthless fraction.
All because of your green-eyes