A soul once alive

Has lost its meaning

A soul was happy now

Has longing to share

A soul once in love

Is heart broken like

a broken glasses it

can’t be fixed

Tears big as the river

to keep those cheeks warm

Night fall’ favorite as it

crying therapy like an owl

she will stay awake but only

to drink her tears hoping

to heal her broken heart

She sees the moon giving her

a warm smile telling her

to go on and dont give up

but no matter what her heart

is in icu its in critical condition

she feels her heart shutting down like a car she feels it will

fail on her

The person so loving has turned cold like iceberg

like orange she lost her value

she no longer meant much to

him he could stab her heart

a million times but she couldn’t let go like a

Stuffed animal she held on to

him tightly but she knew one day she would but tonight

She will just sleep with a broken heart