Silent killer, they call you 

Well, I beg to differ 

What about the noises you make inside my head?

Sometimes you whisper 

Other times you scream in my ears

Is it because they can’t hear my cries?

They can’t see my scars

The torture you’ve inflicted upon me?

You once took me on a road I never thought of, 

Turned my mind against me.

You convinced me to do it.

You should be called a witch.

Turning my mind against me,

With your freaking dark magic,

Casting your spells upon me.

Locking me in my room without touching my door

Tying me to my bed 

Without entering my room 

You’ve stolen my pride 

My laughter and happiness 

There’s not much left in me 

Why don’t you leave 

I have nothing to offer you anymore 

Can you please leave me?

They say you are silent. 

But you keep whispering in my ears

Screaming in my dreams 

I only need one favour from you 

Can you please leave me in peace