She rise and shine

She still rise even after humiliated in front of many eyes

She rise even after sharp words which was meant to broke her heart to the core

After planned , beaten and called names

She still rise and not shaken

She was body shamed a lot

She was complemented ugly

By the situation at her home

She rise and know her worth

She was told

She do not belong where she is

She did not care

But she stood up for herself and shine

She was not enough to them

But to us and the world she was enough

They meant to put a scar in her heart

But she never took it to the core

After being told she is not beautiful

After being told she is a failure

She did not loose herself

She shined and still rise

She smiled in public

And cry herself out in private

Yet she rise and shine

She was abused physical and emotional

But she rise

She shine and rise

She knew her worth

She knew what she wanted , they do not know what they want

She knew she will

She knew she can and they cannot

She knew she was the best amongst all

After so many challenges she still rise and shine