Mom is innocent and pretty.
And dad is so handsome and deceitful.
She loves him and proud of herself
for marrying him,
And he loves her too and the
million other ones on the side.
She loves him so much; she is blind.
And he sees that, takes advantage and lies.
Her marriage is her pride and joy,
Something to be worn as an emblem.
Little does she know,
Those lips that kiss her everyday
also please someone else.
The hands that hold her waist, are the same ones
that caress people outside their matrimony.
The sweet nothings whispers that ring in
her ears every night,
They are also heard by her neighbour’s daughter.
He says he loves her
But he tells her sister that too.
Oh! What a cying shame!
She is so innocent and pretty.
With an unfaithful man for a husband.
I hope one day
She will know the truth.
And leave him for good!
She deserves the best
A man, vituous like her.