She who understands me most
She who knows me better than anyone
She who gives the warmest hugs
She who can handle my emotions
Even if I don’t want people to
She who always celebrates with me
She who loves me for me
She who knows all my secrets
She who knows all my problems
She who knows all my fears
She who knows my likes and dislikes
She who knows everything
She who always make me laugh when sad
She who uplifts me when I’m down
She who I miss and long for
She who understands my craziness
She who heals me
She who I really miss
You are my everything
My all
My forever wanna keep
My other sis
My little sis
A little sis I never had
My sister from another mother
My bestie
My other better half
I love you
I miss you so bad right now
I miss your hugs
I miss your kisses
I miss our craziness and silliness
I miss us
Please come back
love T
to you, my bestie