I never wanted to be this broken
Chin in hands in the afternoon sun
Thinking this is some kind of a dream
Pinching myself from the seeming coma
The tingling that ensues confirms
That the fragments scattered are mine
I can’t blame the society that raised me
It had its share of the cake
But I was the one rowing the boat, and I still am 
Neither can I blame people close to me
They, too were fogged by their own demons
In hindsight, I would love to stay this broken
Possessing this insight that never fails me
This intuitive outlook is my true power
These fears and anxieties make me whole
There is nothing I treasure more than this me
This me with an ego like a baobab tree 
Growing on this arid land
I am the monsters I tame
Together with the dark past in my name
Envisioning a future brighter than today