Don’t you miss looking

At me like you look at

That phone?

I feel like you no longer see me.

I feel like I no longer excite you.

I feel hurt when you pay special attention to your phone than me.

Don’t you miss us

being stuck to each

other like siamese twins?

Don’t you miss holding me close to your chest?

I truly miss having your hands all over me 

Can it be that I’ve been replaced by a cellular phone?

Do you even think about me at all?

Those people on your screen aren’t even reel.

I am real!

But I guess the fantasy is more appealing than the real thing.

I miss it when you used to

Talk to me.

But now, that phone

Is all you ever talk to;

I am here with you

But I feel like you

Don’t see me –

If I must admit

I am really jealous of that phone!