screams of women’s and children 

verse 1

Somber music, notes of the Innocent souls,

Pure heart are broken and toned apart,

Heavy rains from their eyes wet dry grounds.

Childrens wandering with empty bellies,

Forced to hard labor, raped and left helplessness.

Woman’s spreading legs to satisfy desires of their lusty gods,

Separated from their homes to do dirty, their mouths are shut.

Words are not enough to describe what eyes see.

verse 2

Like Sodom and Gomorrah the system is corrupted,

Nobody’s to be trust, The system has ears and eyes everywhere.

Wonder when they rise and preach the gospel of freedom.

While their hearts are too black and too dark,

Filled with the blood of the Innocent.

Their hearts are far from the truth full of deceit.

There’s no love, no peace,

And no freedom of speech.

verse 3

They are living in hell fire, the devil is their master.

The earth has turned into a barren desert,

Where’s no adrop of water to quench their thirsty.

Lord only you is their hope to save them from evil.

Your children have suffered enough beyond imagination.

Restore the weak, the broken and disabled.

Send them angel wings to fly above the eagle,

Teach them love and to love, see each as human and equal.

By: Goodson Tembo

Inspired by: Evah ngobeni