I’m scared of what I feel,

I’m scared of how you make me feel,

I’m scared that one day

these feelings

they’ll be too much,

I won’t know how to deal with them.

I’m scared I’ll fall deeply in love

and prioritise you above all.

Only to find that when it’s all said and done

you’ve run out of love,

because when I love I go hard,

I donate my whole heart.

Now how can I love someone else

when my heart has belonged to you

from the very start.

Swiftly, unintentionally,

my love for you elongates.

I’m scared that if you know this,

then later on you’ll get tired

and leave me.

I’m nothing exceptional,

why would you stay with me?

I’m not scared of death,

when my sister died I cried.

I’m scared of the pain that accompanies it,

I’m scared of feeling my heart break

and like my bones would shatter.

The way that I love you,

I’d shatter if our love died.

So I let you walk past,

I act like I hate you,

meanwhile my heart has always beaten

only for you.

What type of love doesn’t scare you?

My love,

I’m scared that I love you.