I am taking this boat sailing away,

even if It can sink, it would have helped

me to drown all my sorrows away.

The storm comes with wrath, most

high why let your righteous ones who

believes in you whole heartedly endure

this brutal such a pain why?

I’m taking this boat sailing away, everybody

got their own problem’s and there’s no reason

to tell them mine anymore because they become a burden to them!

And their heart’s rejoice when you tell

them your problems, and ought to pretend

as If they care.

My stomach roars to agree on this ink

right now, I’m leaving them with peace:

but my soul won’t fade away as you promised eternity.

I will find happiness elsewhere because

everywhere I go you’re there sending an

angel before me to prepare a place for me.

As you prepare a table in front of mine

enemies, I am sailing away drifting off!

I will ought to help those unforeseen

circumstances on the other side of the

raging seas through my inner deliverances.

I sail on to leave broken heart’s happy.