Sitting in a quiet place feeling like you are lost

Feeling abounded,lonely

Not seeing anyone to help you,all of them gone

Feeling like you are blind

Those whom where there by your side,also not there

Sitting all alone

Yourself feeling trapped,hopeless and depressed

Asking yourself many questions with no answers

Feeling like the weight of the world is upon your shoulders,

Every puzzled problem is yours

Hearing scary sounds of the darkness

Seeing,looking and feeling shadows passing infront of and by you


Feeling like you would just vanish out of the pink not blue

Screaming,crying,hurt,sad,Scared and having negative thoughts playing in your mind like a song,

Everything turned upside down

Scraeming to save your life but

Life not listening

Feeling lifeless as if you would just…..

Sad moments are the worst moments ever in the world

And being sad is yourself being……alive