My blood is red, the sky is blue
Day and night I’m always thinking of you
You’re my first and last thought of each day
I love you, I wonder if you also feel the same way
There’s a possibility you do, and I should talk to you
Also a possibility you’re not, either way you’re just too hot
Should I take my chances, and do a bit of action?
But I fear on what will be your reaction
There’s a possibility you might react by “I love you too”
And we’ll be together forever, stuck like glue
But there’s a possibility that you only see me as a friend
And me confessing my feelings will make our friendship end
There are so many possibilities, it’s all just confusing
But you make me smile, you’re just amusing
You’re sweet, lovable, friendly, you’re all of the above
Would you believe me if I tell you I’ve fallen in love?
There’s a possibility that dating me is the last thing in your mind
Also that you don’t see me, afterall love is blind
There’s a possibility we’ll be together forever
Also a possibility you don’t love me, so that will happen in never
Just give me a sign, of what to do
Should I or should I not talk to you
My blood is red, the sky is blue
Master P loves you, I wonder if you do too