Winter season
They had no warm 
Clothes to wear
They doubled rags
So they can keep 
Their body
They are poor
Relying on donation
Clothes that were Made
By wools
Poverty is striking 
Them as cold
Leaving them
Worn out
They are orphan
They have no
One left 
In this world
Their cry tremble
The ground
For world
To recognise their
Deeper sorrows they
Are in
But no one hears
Their cries
Hence no one 
Offer them
Their silent confess,
That they are in need
Of finance ;
Only to have food
On the table
It’s winter season
Their blanket
Are not warm
They are old
As an overused
They have wishes,
Wishing that they
Were born in 
A rich family
They are orphan 
They are young to fathom,
Their tears sadden 
Even people who are
That their heart is made
Of stone
Their sobs sadden
It softens people
To have mercy 
Over them.