My mind ties a strong knot within me,
That no one can undo….
It’s open a huge space in my heart,
That no one will ever fill…

In the blink on an eye…
My mind is flying through the sky,
Is travelling on a very high speed,
That no Aeroplane will ever reach.

My mind is an overgrown stem,
That no axe blade will cut it down,
Chainsaw won’t help either…
It’s travel with no fear of any kind.

My mind is a locked down room,
Where I stay and chase my thoughts,
Without any disturbance from anyone,
It’s only me….oh! The inner me…

There is a house made of thoughts in my mind,
Where there’s no one ever dwell in…
There are voices mumbling in my mind,
But no words ever been spoken…

My mind is a locked down room,
Thoughts are like sharp thorns…
They pierce my heart every time I think,
I can’t do anything but to stay still.

My mind is a troubled mind….
That never meant to be unkind,
No ways to undo what’s been done,
No where to hide nor to run….

I am stuck in the jungle of my mind,
With sharp thorns all over my body,
No way to escape the worry…
I’ve travelled too far to go back.

They say time heal the pain,
But til such time hurt still remain.
No use in even saying sorry…
While pains are not jumpable walls.

I’m still trying to make apologies,
As my inner joy slowly dies…
It hard to turn back and leave all,
But harder to try and carry on…
When right goes all wrong.