To this day I still remember when you told me you had feelings for me.
Words I had been told before, but which meant nothing until they came from you.
Then with ease, you made your way into my cold and hardened heart.
Making a mockery of the defenses that have kept many others at bay.
But then I managed to convince myself that the timing wasn’t right.
Maybe because of fear or maybe because I knew I wasn’t good enough.
And now we are worlds apart and sleep is eluding me once again.
For my mind is once more being haunted by the memories of your smile.
When I close your eyes I see you running just like you often did.
I never understood why but It was one of my favorite things about you.
But the only difference is that now I wish you would run into my arms.
The worst part is that I’ve been trying to fill the void you created in my heart.
But nothing and no one seems to be good enough.
Some may be prettier, funnier or even smarter.
But their only flaw is that they simply are not you.
And my biggest worry is that I may never get over you.
Or at least be able to feel for someone else what I feel for you.