It’s 4 am in the morning, the year is 1977
Footsteps in the kitchen
Each one stepping a bit further
soon enough the door opens
And complete silence remains

The train stations are booming
With passengers going on and off
Lesser and lesser the people get as the reach their destinations

That’s what my grandfather went through
His strength was built because he knew his purpose
His sweat fed his family
Even through his exhaustion he remained humble
His pain was seen through his feet

My grandfathers boots,
Forced to wear a size that was not his because he had no choice
“Be grateful you have them” is what they would say
Forgetting he was a human being

In the sun he would work harder each day
With only lunch given as a time to rest
“No time to nurse your bruises” they would tell him
“We are here to work” was their final word

At 5 pm the routine would begin again
For making his way home
Still smiling through his pain
He never forgot to greet

Footsteps in the kitchen
Each one closer than before
Soon enough the door closes
And the sound of those heavy boots would be heard

My grandfather boots
Even when they hurt him,he still cared for them, cleaned them, gave them a good shine
I asked him why
Then he answered..that those boots were the reason his family survived

As I turned I realised
He was showing how it was back then
In a dream
I smiled and looked above
I thanked him for the visit

As I got up to go to the bathroom
Lazy to switch in the light
I tripped and fell
To see what had tripped me
I switched on the light
Only to find my grandfather’s boots
Neatly put next to my bed