God loves and values me,
And I have a special purpose on this planet,
And somewhere out there, there is a girl that
I want to spend my life with,
I can have a marriage that is based on love,trust,
Respect, friendship and commitment,
We can experience life together,
And dear future lover,
On the day of our wedding,I would like to give
You a gift,my sexual innocence and purity!
That would be my way of saying,
‘ Baby I love you,and I have saved this gift for you and I ‘,
I wanna promise myself to keep my eyes,
From making me commit lust!
And by the help of the Spirit, I’ma survive,
‘ For I have the mark of Jesus in my body,
So let no one cause trouble over my body ‘,
By that future lover,
I hope you will enjoy my gift,for I will save it for you,
And that moment will be vibrant as a butterfly dancing
In bloom,and memorable as a fragile as a
Leaf on autumn’s breeze.