Let my eyes see what I see..
Let my heart rejoice to what I see.
My heart rejoice to the beauty of your love.
Let my mind never stop wondering to what I see.
Let my mind keep racing.

Let my ears keep itching..
Itching to hear your voice.
Let my mind be at rest..
Rest in your love.
Keep chasing my heart..
Chasing my heart to infinite.
You are a King after my heart.

Let’s enjoy being best friends.
Let’s hold hands together…
Together to walk through this path..
Path that bring joy to our hearts.
Let’s make jealousy our guest.

Let your arms open..
Open to hold me everytime,
Open to hold me anywhere,
Open to hold me anytime,
Open to hold me forever.

Let me feel the softness of your arms..,
Let me feel the heat of your arms..,
Let my heart keep holding you close..
Close to feel my dancing heart..
Dancing to the beat of the drum..
The drum of love.

Let me feel the heat of your arms,
Let your arms be my heater in winter nights.
Keep holding me till death do us apart.