Allow me to read my heart’s notes out loud

Allow me to tell you how much I love you

Just listen babe

Listen to my sweet voice recite my heart’s notes!

Look at me recite my heart’s notes!

Listen and look !

Sweetheart,you are the reason I believe in love

There is no reason why I believe in love besides that you are my love !

My heart was broken ,You put it together

You healed it with your magical love

Your magical love that makes me fall in love with you newly every day

Your magical love that makes me that happiest girl in the world

If I must define what is love

With confidence,I’ll say love is you

You are my world

I know earth is for humans

Listen babe,you are my earth !

Words not enough to express how I feel about you

Come and listen to my heart !

My heart will tell you how much you loved

My heart is yours,it won’t lie to you

If it’s not you ,it’s not anyone

My heart notes not fully recited!

I leave the whole recitation to my heart !

Just listen to my heart !