At least leave the memories,

You left without a word,

Without one last hug,

Smile, gentle touch and kind look.

Had I known you’d leave,

I’d love you like there was no tomorrow,

Because indeed there was none for you,

I’d tell you of a rare kind of a mother you were,

Never given birth to me,

But a mother you were by heart.

More than just an educator,

My first stranger lover,

My beautiful role precious stone,

But now you’re nowhere,

Nowhere in town,

And nowhere on the planet.

You slipped through my hands without my permission,

And now the memories are following,

Slipping away involuntarily!

Refusing to stay forever!

I could not do anything about your death,

You just left totally!

But at least leave the memories with me:

The bright day only dark in my heart,

When you comforted me and held me back to class,

The day I nearly fell in front of you,

You laughed and covered me,

All with the warmth of your love,

You melted my frozen heart of pain.

The day when you fought for my peace,

The days when you protected me from bullies.

When you left,

I was exposed and alone again.

I longed to see and tell you,

I longed for your motherly warm arms.

I dreamt about you for days,

And woke up to brutal reminder of reality,

But now I dream no longer,

Your face has faded away from my mind,

Only remains the feint traces of your gold earrings,

Your beautiful warm dark skin,

Your precious smile,

It’s hard to recall.

Memories are slipping away,

But your acts of love are engraved in my heart,

I dearly hope to see you,

When I get to paradise,

That’s where you must be,

And that’s where I will be,

For I am kind and righteous,

Because you showed me it’s possible,

When I meet you there,

I will hug you for years you’ve missed,

For years I’ve longed for you,

There’ll be tears of joy,

And plenty of love and cuddles.

You were more than just an educator.

In Loving Memory Of

Ms Shelembe.