Hoping that a day will come
If I will find myself
What makes me smile?
What makes me happy?
They are steps in front of me
I can’t take it
Before then, life was bright
It was full of joy and freedom
Dancing around happy people, feeling the rhythm and beat
My tapping toes take every step to each sound
Those days were the days I could feel myself
Dawn arises with every new sunshine
Suddenly, a cloud of unexpected darkness
Circles around me like a prey
Moments of joy and freedom began to fade away
Misery after misery increases as time passes
When will a day come when I see my happy self?
Anyone, tell me what is going on?
Poems, stories
Are they my comfort zone?
When will anyone slap me out of sadness and misery?
I need your advice on this
Cause this is not me
My misery