Mirror on the wall,
Here I am again.
You have been there
through the tears and joy.
You have seen my true form;
the naked me and the cloaked me.
You have seen my scars and pain.
The sunny sparkle in my eyes
and the happiness in my smile.
You have seen the melancholy in my soul
and the sorrow in my heart.
A Fidus Achates, you have been.
You never judged me or laughed at me.
You’ve always accepted me as I am.
With all my flaws and shortcomings.
I can always be myself around you.
No illusions or masquerade needed.
You play a crucial role in my life.
When I need the truth, I run to you.
You never consoled me with lies.
Showed me my true self, always.
You taught me how to be strong,
To love on myself.
In you, I saw that I was
a heroine,
a queen
and made of steel.
From when I was a timid little girl
to the formidable young woman I am today.
You have always been there.
You never wanted anything from me
just my absolute best.
You are my mirror, my sword, my shield.
Your power lies in that reflective piece of
glass you are made of.
That’s never shallow but deep like the tide.
You my mirror;
A lover of sincerity
and a foe of falsehood.