Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who’s the fairest of them all?

You said it was me.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who’s the strongest of them all?

You replied it was me.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who’s the most phenomenal of them all?

You affirmed it was me.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who does it against all odds?

You declared it was me.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is a conqueror?

You disclosed it was me.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who holds up half of the sky?

You uttered it was me.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is fearless and a stalwart?

You asserted it was me.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who doesn’t back down?

You stated it was me.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is a star in the sky?

You remarked it was me.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who shines brighter than the sun?

You voiced it was me.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who deserves to sit on the throne and wear

the crown

You roared my name.

And mirror, mirror on the wall,

I believe you.

You are the truest of them all.

You never tell lies.

Always reflecting and speaking the truth

like the gospel.