Maybe I was too soft for this world
Maybe I was too sensitive
Maybe I was too weak
Maybe those were the reasons why this
World has broken me the way it did
Maybe this world has never really accepted me
Maybe it has never understood me
Maybe it has never loved me or cared about me
Cause it knew that I was not from it
I was just a visitor here
Maybe it was meant for me to go through all the things I’ve been through
All the pain, the heartache and the humiliation
All the nights I cried myself to sleep
Maybe I was thinking too much
Maybe I took everything way too seriously
Maybe I saw, heard and felt too much
Maybe I was expecting too much too early
Maybe this world couldn’t give me my heart’s desires
Maybe… Maybe it all just became too much for me to handle
I was drowning in my sorrows, depression and anxiety
I was sinking deeper and deeper into this
I always found myself asking what the people are going to say about this or that
What are they going to say if I do this or that or if I’m going to wear this or that
Not realising that I was only hurting myself and losing myself in the process
Maybe I was drowning and there was no one who could save me
I have scars on my arms and on my heart
Each one has its own story
Maybe… maybe it’s time for me to leave this earth
And go and live with my Heavenly Father
Oh how my soul have been longing for peace and love
And to be happy again
FunDza note: Here are helpful contact numbers in a crisis or if you need to talk to a trained person:
SADAG Suicide Crisis Line 0800 567 567
SADAG Mental Health Line 011 234 4837
Lifeline 0861 322 322/ 011 728 1347