It is the driving force of mankind.

It can never be predicted, for within its core lies truth and lies.

Ith can never be understood.

It is unknown.

Its identical twin is pretense.

Many live for, some die for it.

Some embrace it, yet others reject it.

To some it’s a virtue, others deem it as worthless.

Many are blinded by it.

Infants Interpret it ad hugs and goodies.

The old see it as kises and the whispers of sweet-nothings.

To many it nourishes giggles , yet to others it stimpulates the most inner pain.

The lonely need it the most.

The gentle in heart give it the most.

Because of it mankind multiplied.

Many use it as a glue to hold their relationship intact, yet others use it to exploit others.

It is volatile it can never be trusted.