Stuck in this world 
I’m just a rum-lost soul 
Which has no word to say,
She doesn’t know herself 
She is me!
She is lost in the options,
Opinions and theories of the world.
She wants to do what is right,
But nothing seems fully right.
What’s right is also wrong 
And what’s wrong is also right 
She just doesn’t know what to do 
Or say as the world is corrupted.
She doesn’t know the way 
To go, she lost her way 
The day she became a teenager 
She is just lost. 
Heartbreaks, betrayal, disappointments
She trynna move through the pain,
Act strong but she sometimes fails 
She trynna picks up the pieces but they don’t fit.
She tries to be kind 
But her kindness is taken for granted.
To the point where she loses her self confidence
She tries to be mean but her heart 
Says kindness is the key,
Her mind says God wants kindness 
But the result of being kind is miserable 
She is me!
I’m just a rum-lost soul 
Overwhelmed by the world’s options,
Motivations and theories.
I want to live my life 
The way I want 
But I don’t know what I want.
She wants the world’s attention 
She wants to be shown the way 
But every way shown to her 
Is right and also wrong 
She doesn’t know her grounds 
She doesn’t know herself 
She is me!
A teenager’s rum lost soul!