We are shadows.

Walking in a world where the light was stolen

stolen from the sun by the god of corruption,

a self-centred deity who monopolises the light

in the dark.

Crime breaks into households.

He kills families and rapes children.

Hospitals lose those on life support.

Shops become desolate, and businesses lose capital.

Learners in candles trying to study for their darkened futures

traffic lights blink no colours

leading to cars crashing into each other.

In our world, we live in the lost ages.

Where electricity and Thomas Edison never existed.

We light candles to tell nighttime stories to the children.

About how the god of corruption and his ministers

stole the light from our world.

They live in luxurious mansions.

Their bulbs illuminate the night into day.

While we crawl and sneak in the dark.

Yes, we are shadows.

Our political leaders have overshadowed us.

Oppressed us into darkness.