I am coming from a confused society

A society seemingly disorganized and operates in shatters

A society characterized by class conflict

The rich preserve their interests… The middle class mind their own business and the working class begs for penny to survive

Am one of the oppressed… Our oppressors are just clapping hands when they see us kneeling down weeping hard for a change.

Change? Did I just say change? Oh no I should forgive myself for this slip of the tongue

Change in our world is such a scarce commodity very precious like diamond and gold, very impossible to attain with divided interest.

But why….

Politics!! A weapon that has been used to control the poor. To use them to climb to power and later on dumb them without tangible development.

I come from the society where ordinary people praise and worship corrupt politicians, forgetting they exist to serve interest of common citizens in order to bring the much awaited change in social and economic lives.

I am 56 years old and I was born out of struggle to gain this independence, despite the fact that it does not really reflect real me on the ground.

I am still at my parents’ house,

Daily pleading for help or else I will sleep on harrowing stomach,

and the funny thing is: I still put on diapers, assign-post that am economically infant, very poorer than I was decades ago.

Where am I? And do I exist for a reason?

See, sometimes I have to lie about myself in order to convince people…But not all the times.

Sometimes, I say the truth so that I am free.

When I say am free i don’t mean that I am very cheap and the elites should take advantage to abuse me for their momentum

What I want is that, people should not open the wrong chapter about my life…after all this is not the fear factor

One day, people will come to realize that where I am standing, others will also stand on the same podium with various reasons. Even before me, other great men and women stood here and made great choices of their lives.

I am the seed that NDI has planted in a fertile soil despite unpredictable weather conditions on whether rain will fall or not

But the truth is every month am sprouting and each branch I bear epitomizes new generation of ideas and competencies

This seed has all it takes to grow for eight months into a reputable tree that will complement to the ecosystem of addressing some of the challenges in the society.

This seed does not belong to private sector nor will it easily be captured by the state basket before it produces wonderful fruits that ordinary Malawians will taste and enjoy.

The seed presents growing voices, sounds and light of majority that are silently suffering and cannot be heard alone.

I am their trustee; I am their delegate I am their resemblance

When they see me… they see Change and the energy of making Malawi a better place

When I see myself…and the rest of the team that has come together across the country

I visualize the power in one Voice, the United force that will conquer…. and network of strategists

When you ask me…

Where am I? And who am I?

I am on planet earth

From a Country known as the warm heart of Africa “yes Malawi”

Town called Luchenza,

and this is the life of a CSO Leader!