They lied to me
They lied to my face
They told me it would be easy
They told me it all comes easy
I shouldn’t have listened to them
I shouldn’t have paid attention to them
But they told me all nice things
They showed me life without faults
They said if I wanted to be somewhere in the future I would be
They were very specific
They said after matric I would go straight to varsity
They said after varsity I would soon find a job
Little did I know that wasn’t true
Little did I know that I had to work very hard to get where I wanna be
They only showed me the nice parts, they never showed me how we get there
They never told me about the sleepless nights
They never told me about the tears that would shed in search of nice life
I should have known better
But ignorance got the best of me
They should have told me that you work hard to get where you want to be
They should have told me that you do not give up when things seem to be hard
They should have told me to keep moving no matter the challenges
They should have told me that life is precious but there are times where I would feel like not living anymore
They should have told me that it won’t always be easy
Maybe then would I not act surprised when life got hard
Maybe then would I have been able to look at life differently
Maybe then would I have put so much effort to be where I wanna be
Maybe then would I have achieved at least one of my dreams
but they chose to lie to me
but I chose to fall for their lies
I should have done better
I would have done better if only they had told me the whole truth

but they lied to me…