It hurts; I know
And soon, it’ll begin to show
And the wind will also blow
In what direction, I don’t know
But I hope that you saw
That you don’t always reap what you sow
But please, just let it be.
Those you shared memories with
Will slowly become memories themselves
Although it’s hard to accept it
You’ve already experienced it yourselves
There’s no love without pain
And brokenness is what will remain
There’s no life without death
So appreciate every breath
As to why it is this way
I possess not the wisdom to relay
Just let it be.
What’s the point of having a loved one
Just to have them taken from you
What’s the point of saying you’ve won
If you’re broken too
Pain might be for a short time
But that doesn’t make it hurt any less
Yet what truly is sublime
Is that He chose to bless
Us with lives to live
And told us to believe
So please, just let it be
This is life; LET IT BE