Knock knock knock,

Who’s there?

Oh it’s me again,

I am sorry to bother you

In your happiest moment.

I felt lonely

But I am in denial.

What I do is to survive,

When I am around jolly vibes.

“If you can’t beat them, join them”

I face my fears all alone,

My failure’s chant my name.

Simplicity I am living zombie

My mind is dark,

My heart is just failing to love.

Not only myself but

People around me.

A stranger once came

And told me they love me

Just like a love sick puppy I fell for it.

Jasmine was my forever yena

Only to found out, it’s not genuine.

What did I do wrong?

My genuine love was never enough?

I am not good enough to receive the

Love that I’m giving.

When my heart was about

To trust even embrace genuine love again.

My very own Lulu, smashed my

Poor heart from coma.

Why can’t I deserve infinite love?

Is it because I am fool?

Fool enough to trust

Real quick, and love beyond.

Knock knock knock,

It’s me again,

I feel like a zombie

And my mind,

My heart,

My soul,

Are being attacked by

colossal of melancholy.

I am slowly dying

From the inside.

If only I could numb

The pain away, but I’ve been told

“Pain is what makes you grow”.

Then how about feeling

Useless, nothing, low-spirited?

I just smile to the world as if

Nothing is going on,

Meanwhile I am daunted

In fact, I am caught up miserably

So miserable that I can’t

Even believe there’s a silver lining.

Knock knock knock,

I am trap with morose

My naam is Shady and

My hart is steeds in pyn.