I loved and cherished her.
I loved and appreciated her.
Her character person is all that I needed.
Family and friends seemed to be distanced, but she came.
She came.
Came and stayed.
Came and loved.
Came and gave support.
In her, I found love and peace.
In her, I found both a sister and a friend.
In her, I found the pillar of my strength.
But just like other, she left.
Without saying anything, she left.
She did, even though I see her every day.
She did leave even though I still heard her voice.
She left silently.
The struggle of seeing her every day.
She was hearing her voice from a different.
All that gave me depression.
With sleeping pills, I survive.
The pain of not telling her the good news,
Meanwhile, I received all the support from her.
I am willing to talk, trying to talk.
But ignorance is all that I receive.
My trust is broken again!
Am I supposed to be all alone?
Dear God, is this a punishment or a lesson?
I have no one but only you, my king.
I cry!
I am sad!
I am depressed!
In sleeping pills, I found comfort.