It’s me the girl, who struggles to accept luck is not on her side.
It’s me the girl, who looks herself in the mirror and hates what she sees.
It’s me the girl, who doesn’t want to fall in love because her heart is fragile.
It’s me the girl, who the boys doesn’t stare at because she hates it.
It’s me the girl,who dropped out of school because she kept on failing.
It’s me the girl, who got judged because she doesn’t have a matric certificate.
It’s me the girl, who sits at home busy falling apart everyday.
It’s me the girl, who doesn’t like to talk about her feelings she rather writes it down.
It’s me the girl, who found therapy in writing.
It’s me the girl, who likes to overthink about the fantasy and reality.
It’s me the girl, who sleeps with gigantic monsters under my bed but still ignores it.
It’s me the girl, who cries herself to sleep every night.
It’s me the girl, who their called names as a failure but still she swallowed those words like a pain pill bitter but painful to swallows.
It’s me the girl, who goes to bed with a empty stomach but wakes up full with a mind filled with dreams and aspirations.
It’s me the girl, who finally let God in and take control.
It’s me the girl, who believed in herself when no one did with God by her side.
It’s me the girl, who give God my problems and he gave me power.
It’s me the girl, and it will always end with me.