The fact that it’s not fair when it’s fair
dream fade away because of the runnier
friends you can’t match even you have a ruller
we won’t finish this building if we still complaining about the concrete.
lemme tell a story ,
let’s me relieved myself on my paper by letting my pen bleed on my paper yet l’v heal so many life but l never thanked back or receive an award.
it’s true but l know and l had bear in my mind that even I put so much grammar and crafting words,
using some styles in my work but l can failed to be recognized and be rejected but then l won’t stop cz l know in life we face much challenges and test , as a writer I being criticize and decrimated, receive bad feedback.
if I can mention one of the famous auther who had being rejected so many time but he didn’t give up and also one author his work was stolen including myself was posted on their Facebook timeline but l didn’t stop I still write.
I run even I haven’t reach closer to the finishing line cz l believe i will win even it’s too late.
I encourage you to not stopping on pursuing your career,
don’t listen them they will show you something at your back while you seated because you know the kind of chair you seated on it’s turning or not , you the controller.
they will congrat you and say ‘ you look beautiful on your wear dress and such a silver high hill on your feet but when you stumble and fall , they will laugh at you .
some will pretend in your face just because they know your are their favorites.
Sorry if I said much but am feeling comfortable on writings, am very high when it’s comes from dancing a pen in my paper and left the bleeded ink mark on my paper written a powerful and encouraging words
the thing is am introverted.
Written L. Mkhwanazii