We had a great time learning each other

We had time of our fights

We had time of exposing our pride

But we never hesitated to forget each other, because we knew we’re meant together

You were some part in my body that I could not live without, and you also had that part in your body that you could not live without

We were never ashamed as we got to do the hugs and kisses

You were a lid that was able to bottle my secrets

We were never anxious of one opening the lid of the bottle because we knew of rough life

I am referring to the restless nights, boring days, bad days and fun days

Even though you always forgot my birthday but I never cared, I never cared at all

Because is love, friendship love, impraising each other by love, and fighting each other by love

OH ntwana yami!!

There will always be scars of good and bad memories

But what I know is that I will never forget you

Hope you don’t too

And I hope one day we will reconcile and do the hugs, the kisses, and the I love you again and again

But regardless of everything you will always have a special spot in my heart

Because o yi ntwana yami.