My eyes are in a dam of tears

My mind is in the cage

My heart is broken into pieces

My smile is the mask I wear to hide my self

Everything is distancing it’s self to me

Family is like a wind without a direction

Friends are unreachable

Relationship is on the cliff

Looking at the past and now nothing has changed

Everything is still the same

I keep chasing the success I can’t reach

I keep dreaming the dreams I can’t live in them

I keep hoping for the best but I can’t do my best

I’m not copying

My body is exhausted

My mind is full of ideas that i haven’t taken action for it

My heart trust too much and get hurt easily

What do I do ?

I guess I need to pray

They say prayer changes everything

I need to connect to the universe

I’m hurt

I have cried

I have smiled

But it’s time to put myself together and do best