Here I am
Lying on a sideway
Of the road.
I have no food to fill my stomach
Nor a drop of water to quench my thirst.
Just a kid who ran away from a place I used to call ‘home’.
I’m just a kid.
An abused kind who escaped the hands of his
Molesting uncle
And abusive, drunkard aunt.
Just sitting here
With my teeth gnashing
From the winter cold rains falling upon my tiny body.
The freezing cold winds rippling my sensitive skin.
The perpetrators watching me like the predators awaiting their prey with no one to run to.
Oh, but i’m just a kid.
I’m just a kid.
A kid that was brought unto this earth to suffer the excruciating agony.
An innocent child whose mother left on the hospital bed to die.
But I’m just a kid.
I deserve none of it all.
I’m just a kid