How long will it take?

Should I hold onto your words?

Your unkept promises,

Unfavourable times

You stood me up,

mostly when I needed you.

You said you’ll be there for me.

How many times did you lie?

Even when you changed on me

I’d still take you back as if nothing

Has happened.

My love and kindness are being fairly abused.

“I’ll be there for you.”

How many times did I forgive you?

God has been my source of zeal.

Part of me feels like a fool.

No, my love is being fooled,

My kindness is taken for granted.

“I’ll be there for you.”

How long will it last?

When there’s a silver line on your watch?

How long?

When you have sucked enough

Of my strength to keep you going.

It’s okay; I’ll be there for you, too anyway.

When it’s your favorite time to miss me,

I’ll be there for you.

When you need someone to talk to you

Unlike you, I’ll still be there for you.

When you feel lost, don’t worry

I’ll help you look for a way

When there’s none.

I’ll be there for you for real

Because I am GENUINE.