You’ve beared all the pains of
raising me.
You gave me life
and taught me how to live.
The sacrifices you have made for me,
I will be eternally grateful.
You were my cushion everytime I fell,
and my shoulder to cry on.
You were always right there by my side.
You gave me your all;
no one can take your place.
You gave me tools to manoeuvre this difficult life;
You showed me the right path to follow.
You can never be compared to anyone.
You’ve always loved me but now
I have come to realise that I love you more.
My love for you will see no end.
Sometimes I ask myself,
“Where would I be without you?”
I wouldn’t have existed.
How lucky am I to be your child?!
If God gave me choices of mothers to choose from;
I would choose you over and over again.
I thought that when I grew up, I wouldn’t need you
as much
But how wrong I was!
I need you now more than ever,
my beloved Queen.
May God give you many more years to live on this
So that I can shower you with the love and respect
you deserve.