I wish I could be there.
Up in the sky,
when the cuckoos fly above 
in jollification after a good rain.
Singing their melodies
as a symbol of unrequited love of rain.
I wish I could be there 
at the river banks, 
In the early morning 
to observe the Hibiscus flower
when it blossoms open wide
and produce sweet nectar. 
I wish I could be there, 
to observe
how the caring orangutan 
teach her babies great skills,
methods of survival, 
and the technique for building a sleeping nest.
If it was possible for me,
to be with the cuckoos up in the sky
when it rejoices after rainfall. 
To witness the Hibiscus flower, 
when it blossoms and produces sweet nectar. 
To observe the caring orangutan, 
when it imparts living skills and techniques 
to her babies.
I wish I could be there.